
version 1.0

Table of Contents

1. Welcome
2. Before the beginning
2.1. Scenario Selection
2.2. Edit Mode
2.2.1. Create completely new scenario
2.2.2. Modify existing scenario
2.3. Game Mode
2.3.1. Start new game
2.3.2. Modify existing scenario
2.4. Film Mode
3. Edit Mode
3.1. Mode Functions
3.2. Environment Overview
3.2.1. Main window
3.2.2. "What's this?" help
3.2.3. Map area
3.2.4. Ships Database (DB) Area
3.2.5. Ships Tree
3.2.6. Properties Window
3.2.7. Log Window
3.3. Scenario Properties Setup
3.4. Map Properties Setup
3.5. Ships Used In Scenario
3.6. Ship Properties Setup
3.7. Group Ships Into Divisions
3.8. Setup Battle Automation
3.9. Save Scenario
4. Game Mode
4.1. Mode Functions
4.2. Environment Overview
4.3. Move Control Window
4.4. Battle Pause And Restart
4.5. Time Speed Control
4.6. Group Ships Into Divisions
4.7. Object Side Changes
4.8. Objects Speed And Course Control
4.9. Automatic Control
4.10. Save Scenario
5. Film Mode And Scenario Exchange
5.1. Environment Overview
5.2. How To Send Scenario To Other Users
5.3. How To Use Scenario Created By Other User
6. Additional Configuration
6.1. Application directory structure
6.2. The Source Code
6.3. Ships List File Format
7. Reporting the bugs
Используются технологии uCoz