The Film mode is used to replay the battle without any chance to change it. It is the same as the Game mode but the ships control is disabled. Battle pause, restart and time speed control are available. Also you cannot save the scenario in the Film mode, no connections control available.
This mode can be used to play the scenario created by someone other.
On the first start the main screen in the Film mode should be the similar to shown in the Film mode in general.
If you have created the scenario and want to send it to other users do the following (assuming that the Battlefleet is installed in the Battlefleet
close the scenario in the Battlefleet, quit the Battlefleet application;
open the file manager utility (Explorer, for example);
create an empty directory (called MyScenarioFiles
, for example). Scenario files will be stored here;
create the common
directory in it;
copy (not move!) the ship lists used in you game from the Battlefleet\common
directory into the MyScenarioFiles\common
directory. If you are not sure what ship lists are used copy all files;
create the save
directory in the MyScenarioFiles
copy the scenario file (for example, tsushima_m_map.xml
) in the MyScenarioFiles\save
directory from the Battlefleet\save
copy the scenario directory (tsushima_m_map
in this case) in the MyScenarioFiles\save
directory from the Battlefleet\save
compress the MyScenarioFiles
directory if required and send it to other users;
The final directory structure is shown in the Directory structure of the scenario to send.
To use the scenario from the MyScenarioFiles
directory do the following:
close the Battlefleet application;
copy your Battlefleet\common
directory in the safe place;
copy files from MyScenarioFiles\common
to Battlefleet\common;
copy save
directory from MyScenarioFiles
to Battlefleet
. If you have battle with the same name it will be overwritten - save it before;
run the Battlefleet application and load the scenario from the Open page in the Game or Film modes. Errors will be reported in the Log window.