The application directory structure is shown below:
- the program installation directory
- the directory with ships lists to be displayed in the Ships DB window in the Edit mode;
- the scenarios with fully defined initial conditions but without battle history. The list of these scenarios will be displayed in the Open page for the Edit mode and in the New page for the Game mode in the Scenario Selection;
- the scenarios with the battle history. The list of these scenarios will be displayed in the Open page for the Game and Film modes in the Scenario Selection;
- the documentation directory;
- the main executable module. Run it to start the Battlefleet;
- artificial intellect functionality;
- the help browser utility from the Trolltech® company;
- the Qt® widgets library from the Trolltech® company;
- the common runtime library from the Microsoft® company;
- the license for the Battlefleet and the Trolltech® company products.
The source code of the Battlefleet application can be downloaded from the Battlefleet site
Ships List file is the text file. It can be designed in any text editor. The file is in xml format. The file is case sensitive. The file contains the following elements:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1 | UTF-8 | windows-1251 | any other standard encoding"?> <Ships Name="Unique name in file"> Element ... </Ships>
The Element can be the Ships element with the shown above structure and the Ship element. The Ship element format is the following:
<Ship Name="Unique name in file" VesselType="Battleship | CoastDefenseBattleship |ArmoredCruiser | ProtectedCruiser | UnprotectedCruiser | GunBoat | Destroyer|TorpedoBoat" Size="Integer Number" Length="Length in meters" Width="Width in meters" Speed="Speed in knots with . as a decimal separator" TurnRadius="Turn radius in miles with . as a decimal separator"> </Ship>
The Name attribute should be unique in the file (for all Ship and Ships elements) and in the scenario where this file is used.
The Size attribute is the War Times Journal Battlefleet game abstraction. It can be calculated as normal displacement multiplied by .004. Values of larger vessels (over 25) are rounded, usually to nearest 5. If the attribute is not specified then the default value for the ships type will be used. See the table Ship size defaults.
Ship type | Default size |
Battleship | 50 |
CoastDefenseBattleship | 15 |
ArmoredCruiser | 35 |
ProtectedCruiser | 15 |
UnprotectedCruiser | 5 |
GunBoat | 5 |
Destroyer | 1 |
TorpedoBoat | 1 |
If the Length attribute is omitted then the default value 100 meters will be used.
If the Width attribute is omitted then the default value 20 meters will be used.
If the TurnRadius is omitted then the default value for the ships type will be used. See the table Turn radius defaults.